Friday, November 7, 2008


chase with the pumpkins

Halloween with cadence

Cadence found her thumb!!!

Hey everyone sorry it's been so long I forgot my password lol just like me right. Well halloween was fun Cadence was a little tiger and it looked so darn cute on her! she went trick-or-treating but didn't get a whole lot of candy. On the other hand we ran out of candy because there were so many trick-or-treators in our neighborhood! plus 7 hours of ghost hunters live was pretty dang fun! I also got a e-mail saying that the irs wants me to come in for fingerprinting for a job and everything so I'm pretty excited about that. everything is going well with chase he took Cadence and I to go see Wall E it was pretty cute! Cadence watched the whole thing! anyways here are some pictures of halloween. Oh and cadence found her thumb as well. And also congrats to Andi on her new job!


Amy said...

I love how she watches tv haha. It's brilliant. And those pics are so cute of you 3 as usual. And congrats on possibly going in for the IRS job! Love ya friend wifey :)


you're sweet Heidi! Thanks! I hope your interview with the IRS goes well! You guys are awesome! Give my baby a kiss from her favorite Auntie Andi!

kiWi said...

Ok Heidi, so it is now October 2009. Your last post was October 2008. I think it is time to update. lol. I never get to see you or hang out with you, so I think you should start blogging again. It's like the only way I can keep up with people's lives anymore. lol. It's sad to say it, but it's true. And Cadence is learning to walk, talk, and hug! I want to hear all about it! And I want to hear all about little Stockton! And I want to hear all the tales of the wife, mother, student, working, pregnant friend of mine! Luv ya! Miss ya! Hope to talk to you soon!